Aligning employee and customer voice research

Your employees are your greatest asset. Your brand position is determined by your customer’s experience, and it is your frontline employees who deliver that experience. That is why more and more businesses are integrating their employee voice and customer voice research programmes. By improving employee engagement businesses can improve productivity, efficiency, staff retention, customer service and therefore customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Aligning employee and customer voice research

Research conducted by the Institute of Customer Service in 2017 found that a 1pt increase in employee engagement leads to a 0.41pt increase in customer satisfaction. In addition, the key behavioural benefits were identified as discretionary effort, empathy and personal connection with customers. They concluded that employee engagement needs to be seen not as merely a survey or a discretionary set of actions, but a key business asset with definable return of investment.

DJS Research are also experts in customer satisfaction and customer voice research. We are therefore very well placed to manage the full programme of research. If you want to know more, please get in touch.